Frequently Asked Questions

There are two ways to associate image formats with Handy Viewer.

The first one: when you install Handy Viewer, on the final page of installation Wizard you will see the option "Associate image formats with Handy Viewer". It is enabled by default. So please keep it enabled, and the installer will associate file extensions automatically.

The second way. Run Handy Viewer, and select in the main menu: File -> Set File Associations... Confirm the operation in the dialog box.

By default Handy Viewer uses Simple View. This means that the image takes up the entire window except the toolbar. To switch to the Tree View mode, click at the button "Tree View" on toolbar. Or select in the main menu: View -> Tree View.

Yes, you can. You have to enable the Tabs View. After that you can click "Open..." and choose some other image. It will be displayed on new tab.

To switch to the Tabs View mode, click at the button "Tabs View" on toolbar. Or select in the main menu: View -> Tabs View.

If you open Tips (main menu -> Help -> Show Tips), you will see the list of hotkeys in the first tip. However, that list is not complete. We can post the full list of hot-keys here:

"F11" - enter/exit full screen;
"Exit" - exit full screen or slideshow;
"Right Arrow" or "Space" - open next image in the folder;
"Left Arrow" - open previous image in the folder;
"+" - zoom in;
"-" - zoom out;
"R" - rotate image clockwise (to the right);
"L" - rotate image counter clockwise (to the left);
"Ctrl+O" - show open dialog
"Ctrl+S" - show "Save As" dialog
"Delete" - delete current file from the drive
"Ctrl+O" - show open dialog
"Ctrl+X" - cut the selected portion of the image and put to clipboard
"Ctrl+C" - copy the selected portion or the whole image to clipboard
"Ctrl+V" - paste image content from clipboard to Handy Viewer
"Ctrl+Z" - undo the last change.

In the main menu select: Paint -> Show Paint Tools. Now you can select desired tool on the small window, and draw what you want. Alternatively you can select paint tools directly from the "Paint" menu subitems.

In the main menu select: Image -> Adjust Colors. You can adjust brightness on the first tab.

Yes, of course. There are several methods of photo enhancement. If you select in the main menu: Image -> Adjust Colors and then open the tab "Auto-Enhance", you will see all available methods.

Or you can do it faster by selecting in the main menu: Effects -> Auto-Enhance.

In the main menu please select: View -> Background Color...

Choose desired color and click OK to apply changes.

You have to select in the main menu: Image -> Remove Red Eyes

1. Please find the file ~transl.dt in the installation folder. Open it with Notepad, and fill the empty lines with translated strings.

2. Replace the line [NEW_LANGUAGE_NAME] with the name of your language, for example: Italiano

3. Replace the line [NEW_LANGUAGE_CODE] with the two-character language code, for example: it

4. The following language codes are currently supported: en (English), de (German), es (Spanish), it (Italian), fr (French), pt (Portuguese), nl (Dutch), tr (Turkish), pl (Polish), ar (Arabic), cn (Chinese), jp (Japanese), kr (Korean).

5. Save the file as transl.dt by rewriting the existing file (UTF-8 encoding).

6. Restart Handy Viewer, and select newly added language in menu -> View -> Language.

7. Send us the transl.dt if you want to see your translation in the next version of the software.

No, the slideshow only uses images and videos located in the same folder as the current photo.

On the Save dialog windows please find the button "Advanced..." and click it. You will see parameters for selected graphic format.