Legal Representative

Handy Software Ltd.
Contact: https://handyviewer.com/contact.html

Terms of Use

The present legal conditions regulate the permitted use of this website, which Handy Software Ltd., hereinafter Handy Viewer, makes available to internet users free of charge. However, some of the products, services or content hosted on this website are subject to prior conditions, and therefore, will also regulated by the general and specific terms and conditions. Access to and use of this website constitutes acceptance of these legal conditions.

The User agrees to use the website, its services and contents diligently, correctly and lawfully and, in particular, agrees not to:


Handy Viewer is not liable for any loss or damage that may result to the user caused by viruses, unavailability or any other anomalous behaviour of the website or software downloaded through it. Handy Viewer has taken all security measures at its disposal and uses state-of-the-art technology to ensure the correct functioning of the website and of Handy Viewer software to avoid any type of damage to the user. Handy Viewer does not guarantee the correct operation of Handy Viewer software beyond the features and functionality described on this website.

We recommend that the user backups the information contained on their computer prior to installing Handy Viewer, since there may be unknown incompatibilities with other programmes that may cause instability or loss of data on the user's systems.

Handy Viewer is not liable for damages caused by the interaction, incompatibility or misuse of its software, or for damages caused by other factors beyond the control of Handy Viewer.


Handy Viewer accepts no responsibility for the services and/or information provided in other sites linked to this Website. Handy Viewer does not control or exercise any supervision when it includes a link to these websites. However, the use of links to other websites does not assume any responsibility or ownership of the contents thereof. In accessing these websites, it may not be understood that there is any supervision or approval of changes or information made in them. Users who use these links must consult the legal conditions set out in the destination pages.

Intellectual Property

The Website, its design, and programming structure is owned by Handy Viewer. Users of this website may reproduce or store the website for exclusive personal and/or professional use. Any other transmission, distribution, reproduction or storage of all or part of the website for any purpose or resale to third parties, is expressly prohibited without the prior consent of Handy Viewer.

Users of this website may carry out the reproduction, download or storage of content stored on this site for their personal use or in the terms set out above in the Handy Viewer use license paragraph.


This Disclaimer is dated on December 23, 2023. Any modification to its terms will be posted on the website.