How to Open PNG File

PNG Format Description
The Portable Network Graphic (PNG) file format was introduced in 1995 with the purpose of generating internet-optimized images. PNG files are crafted specifically to best suit online usage.

PNG files are commonly employed for image storage on websites due to their compression algorithm that enables them to be compressed without compromising quality, resulting in smaller file sizes compared to JPEGs. This attribute makes PNG files highly suitable for quicker downloading of images online, as well as efficient storage of high-resolution visuals.

PNG files have the capability to maintain transparency, making them a valuable asset for generating web graphics that have transparent backgrounds.

How to Open PNG File
With Handy Viewer software you can open PNG file with ease.
In addition to PNG format Handy Viewer allows you to view 150+ image and video formats.

Click here to download Handy Viewer

The software is completely free for personal and commercial use.